Helping the public see SUNSENSE
The case for a higher SPF
SUNSENSE, Australia’s No. 1 sunscreen, has a range of cosmetically acceptable products with a high (30 and 50) sun protection factor (SPF). Our challenge was to encourage families to use SUNSENSE with its higher SPF whilst current guidelines recommend a minimum of 15 SPF.
Working with a panel of experts in dermatology, we reviewed all existing protocols/clinical studies on using sunscreens. The results validated the use of a high factor SPF. From this we developed a consensus report, which formed the foundation for the communications programme.
Other campaign elements included a consumer survey, SUNSENSE Expert Team, reader offers, lifestyle photography and a primary schools leaflet design competition. This approach resulted in coverage on two TV news programmes, 18 radio (including IRN), and in two nationals, 12 regionals, 10 online and seven magazines with a circulation >40M (excluding online).